Hi !
I am Andrew Jordan, lover of all things self-defense. This site is my thoughts about everything related to carrying lethal and non-lethal self-defense. My experience includes the following.
Turned in my carry permit paperwork on my 21st birthday
My hometown is a high crime city so concealed carry is way of life for me
My carry gun for more than 10 years is a Kahr PM40
Used pepper spray on dogs and drawn my pistol on them
Invented and patented the 15 round 5.56 stripper clip. The patent is here. https://patents.google.com/patent/US9115943B1
I am a Bible believing Christian. The Bible is the infallible and sufficient revelation from our Creator. Because we have all committed crimes against God such as lying and stealing, only through faith in God the Son, Jesus Christ can anyone escape the everlasting wrath of God after death. Because Jesus Christ took the wrath of God on the cross for the sins of everyone who has saving faith in Him. Saving faith requires submitting to Jesus Christ as the Creator and King of the universe and the Decider of what is just and moral. Faith in Jesus Christ is not just agreeing with facts but trusting Him with your life, death, and eternal destiny.
Check out my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ConcealedCarryAndrew
PO BOX 1122
Cordova, TN 38088